Alle classic floral modern edgy open circles palladium enamel drops Alle Ringe Neu Trauringe Herren Ohrringe Anhänger Ketten Armschmuck GG WG Gold Rosegold Gold facettes Spinellring Rubin Turmalin Safir mit Safir slim wave slim wave slim wave slim slim wave Tulp Silber Granat tulp facettes donat dot dot Peridot slim straight straight straight classic 750 Gold double stripes double stripes Silber Turmalin kubu Amethystring big quader edgy oval heart heart Silber heart loop loop Silber Granat wave wave wave Turmalin oval small Cabochon Mondsteincabochon eye rose round-oval round-oval Carneolring eye eye round-oval Silber amazonit Amazonitring Kugelring Kugelring rosa Turmalin mystic bright Plättchenring Spiralring spiral spiral spiral spiral bloom bloomy big bloomy midi bloomy midi bloomy green wave wave wave Wave facettes wide facettes twig twig smoothy smoothy smoothy smoothy wide fancy curves organic big round Silber double double small Navettering open open open open circles mini circles mini circles mini circles midi circles mini circles midi circles midi circles circles midi circles circles memoire memoire memoire memoire Safir big Platin rilles wave curve stripes stripes facettes small facettes triangle big triangle shell wounded wounded wounded wounded big pyramid big pyramid midi pyramid mini stripes stripes stripes stripes kubu small kubu Siegelring Siegelring facettes pool big pool big pool midi pool mini pool mini square big square small dance smoothy oval oval small oval small oval open hexagon mini oval prickly profile heart shell small shell small shell shell big shell shell Emailleohrringe square mini square square double jacket pool drop pool drop Dreieck hearts hearts hearts hearts hearts pool oval gold hexagon hexagon hexagon big short 3 5 kubu kubu kubu wave wave drops drops drops midi drops big drops big und Tropfen Drops Leaves loop mini loop midi loop big loop Ohrringe Circles circles 3 circles two circles mit Labradorit circles circles by ring Circles Pearlcircles pearlcircles mini Perlohrstecker ovals mini ovals mini ovals ovals Navetteohrringe Ovale Ovale Silber Oval Perlen schwarzgold dots dots dots dots Plättchenohrringe Goldohrringe Grünachat Chalcedon olivquarz Citrinpampeln Lemonquarz Silber Chalcedon Bierquarze Pampeln Bergkristall Mondsteinpampeln Labradorit Achatpampeln Perlen Rosenquarzpampeln Tahitiperlen pearls Tahitiperlen tulp clouds tulp clouds balls balls Zitronenchrysopras pur pur Silber facettes Granatcabochons Kleeblatt facettes Achatkugeln Silber Achatkugeln Lapiskugeln pink opal Iolithe open open open open open oval open drops open open red Feueropale drops Turmaline round Silber Lemonquarz Kacholong Amethystpampeln Mondsteine Einhänger Silber Silber goldplattiert Perlohrstecker Quastenohrringe Scchneeopsidian small big big mint blossom enamel square small square square hexagon hexagon gold Hexagons big small Anhänger round and oval Tropfenanhänger Tropfenanhänger Ovale circles Circles Blütenanhänger Blütenanhänger Plättchenanhänger Anhänger Plättchen Mandaringranat rot grün leaf Kobaltcalcit and black and pink and green wave eye synthese synthese Silverstone open round open open open open open black white and gold and white bundlings and oval Navette Circles Circles Leafs Circles shell and stones and stones Baumkorallenkette Gojibeerenkette Tigerauge Tahitiperle drops black ans stones Connemara and stones and pearls and white drop dot dot square Manschettenknöpfe Manschettenknöpfe Manschettenknöpfe open pool moon pool Ovales with gold and balls with bundling Plättchenarmband Silber Navette Navette Herzarmband and oval and oval and oval Silber Silber Glücksarmband Moonstone black Amazonitkugeln und Rauchquarzkugeln facettes facettes curved facettes curved slim smoothy wave wave red wave plain slim slim round rose palladium stripes slim kubu fancy waves big round triangle twig stripes double wave kubu small vales square